
Hello if your reading this then welcome to this wonderful showcase of all my skills!
My name is Brandon Burton. I was born december 5th, 1996 to a Japanese mom and African American father in New Jersey but eventually moved to Maryland. After high school I didnt really have any direction in life so I decided to joing the US Army and enlisted in 2016 as a Chemcial biological radiological and Nuclear Specialist (CBRN) soldier. I spent only 4 years in when I decided I had enough of the military life and was looking for a new adventure. A couple of months after I got out I saw an opportunity to teach english in the Czech Republic. I lived in Prague for 2 months teaching english to people from all diffrent backgrounds and enjoyed every minute of it, however I had such an urge to see what else is out ther einthe world. Thats when I discoved my love of traveling visting 12 different countries in a total of 4 months. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I came back home to America and decided to try my hand at coding. Ive always had a connection with technology building my first PC in middle school, getting into crypto currencies in high school, and getting a rasberry pi for my bithday.



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Reward Bank

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